Page 124 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 124

2020학년도 학교교육계획(초등)
                                                                                    Singapore  Korean  International  School

              Grade  1  English  Curriculum  2020

              English  Evaluation  Criteria

                                                    Criteria                                 Time
                Reading    Can  read  the  material  accurately,  can  understand  the     constant
                           material  given,  recognize  and  follow  punctuation  marks
                Listening   Can  understand  all  listening  exercises,  can  complete  the   constant
                           relevant  listening  task  independently,
                           Can  use  and  spell  words  appropriate  for  their  level,  all
                           writing  is  grammatically  correct  for  their  level,  work  is   constant
                           presented  clearly  and  neatly
                Speaking   Speaks  clearly  and  audibly,  with  confidence,  can  present
                           information on  a  chosen  topic, using  appropriate oral  language
                           Obeys  teacher's  instruction  and classroom rules without needing
                           prompting,  asks  when  problems  arise,  using  their  own     constant
                           initiative,  participates  in  all  class  activities  with  enthusiasm

              English  Math  Evaluation  Criteria
                                                    Criteria                                 Time
                           Counting,  matching  and  comparing
                  Unit  1                                                                End  of  unit  2
                           Number  bonds,  making  number  stories
                  Unit  2                                                                End  of  unit  2
                           Addition,  making  addition  stories,  adding  with  number
                  Unit  3                                                                End  of  unit  4
                           bonds,  adding  by  counting  on,  solving  picture  problems
                           Subtraction,  making  subtraction  stories,  subtracting  with
                  Unit  4  number  bonds,  subtracting  by  counting  back,  solving     End  of  unit  4
                           picture  problems
                  Unit  5  Numbers  showing  positions,  naming  positions               End  of  unit  6
                           Numbers  to  20,  counting  by  making  10,  comparing
                  Unit  6  numbers,  adding  by  ones,  adding  by  making  10,          End  of  unit  6
                           subtracting  by  ones,  subtracting  by  10
                           Shapes,  sorting  shapes,  naming  common  shapes,  forming
                  Unit  7                                                                End  of  unit  8
                           shapes,  making  patterns
                           Length,  comparing  and  ordering  lengths,  measuring  and
                  Unit  8                                                                End  of  unit  8
                           estimating  lengths

              English  Science  Evaluation  Criteria

                                                    Criteria                                 Time
                           Plants,  living  and  non-living  things,  plant  and  animal
                  Unit  1                                                                 End  of  unit
                           homes,  different  environments,  parts  of  a  plant,  seeds
                           Humans  and  animals,  similarities  and  differences,  parts  of
                  Unit  2  the  body,  healthy  and  unhealthy  foods,  eating  well,  clean   End  of  unit
                           water,  senses,  babies  and  adults

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