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              In North Yorkshire, we sincerely hope that time will prove that leaving         From          25
              the BDA was not a short sighted decision taken purely for financial         Roger Green
              reasons and we look forward to being further informed of the details
              of any initiatives coming from the ABC as it tries to catch up with the
              excellent start that has already made by the BDA.
                    North Yorkshire Publicity Officer
              Hi Roger, despite not intending to reply, I feel duty bound although
              any real answer should come from the ESMBA. The stories reported
              to me (unpublished), clearly showed that the BDA did not appear to
              be marketing Short Mat Bowls in a serious way in some public in-
              stances, which I found horrifying. They never gave me any publicity
              or reports and it was like getting blood out of a stone, despite their claims that they were a
              professional body. I have reproduced a Newsletter (with my clipart), which is entirely the view
              of Richard Boorman and not mine as I am not familiar with all the relevant facts.
                                 BOWLS COACHING NETWORK NEWS

                            Published by Richard Boorman  Email:
                            Thoughts from the Editor No 1   SPECIAL EDITION   January 2013
                    The principal aim for producing “BCNN” as a regular Newsletter for Bowls Coaches is
              to provide them with information and thoughts which would hopefully help them to maintain
              their valued support to the clubs in their endeavours to increase and sustain participation in
              our sport. It has NEVER been the intention for the Newsletter to become a “political” voice in
              any shape or form. The sole interests behind any statements by “BCNN” or comments that
              are made are entirely intended to support the NEEDS OF OUR SPORT and to attempt to
              preserve the interests of Coaches.
                    With all that has gone on over the past two to three years affecting Coaching, it is very
              difficult to maintain this “divide” so it has been decided that perhaps the way around this is to
              produce from time to time a supplement to be referred to “Thoughts from the Editor” SPECIAL
              EDITION. This is the first of these so we will need to see how things work out. Comments re-
              sponding to anything that is stated will always be welcomed whatever point of view is held.
                    Basically, Bowls Coaching has suffered extensively for two to three years by the actions
              of the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA). In particular the English Bowls Coaching Society
              (EBCS) has been targeted with the sole aim of the BDA to destroy it. Fortunately to date,
              those efforts have failed simply because the majority of Bowls Coaches have maintained their
              registrations with the EBCS and in effect “rejected” the BDA Coaching System.
                    In spite of all that has gone on, the EBCS Coaches have maintained their tremendous
              support to their clubs which has encouraged many new people to play bowls and new
              Coaches to be accredited.
                    We cannot unfortunately escape the reality of the situation that in spite of all of the time
              and effort that has been put into club based activities, the sport is still declining at an uncom-
              fortable rate. The manner in which the BDA has operated has not only been divisive but it
              has not helped to enable the popularity of our sport to significantly in overall terms, move for-
                                                   ward. In spite of the BDA, “all is not lost”.
                                                        Previous governments and the current coalition firmly
                                                   believe that SPORT is a very important matter to our nation
                                                   that they are prepared to pump considerable resources
                                                   into supporting some forty-six sports where they believe
                                                   significant benefits can be provided to the wider commu-
                                                        Bowls is one of these sports and the key reason for
                                                   it being included is for what it can offer to the 55+ age
                                                   group and a range of other people who need to cope with
                                                   various disabilities.
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