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                    HELLO FROM THE STAR SHORT MAT
             28     HELLO FROM THE STAR SHORT MAT
                    BOWLING CLUB IN CYPRUS
                    BOWLING CLUB IN CYPRUS
              The Star Short Mat Bowling Club currently plays at a dedicated
              facility provided by the Star Restaurant in Coral Bay, Paphos. The
              club was originally started at the Latin Parish Hall in December
              2009  by  Jim  Allison  who  sourced  the  mats  and  equipment
              needed from the UK. Shortly afterwards, Frank Hannan took over the running of the club
              with the ten founder members. Member donations ensured that the money loaned by the
              Church for the purchase of the two mats was quickly repaid.
                    As is the way of the world, a move to another venue followed in July 2011 and subse-
              quently to our current location in August 2011.  We have three mats, all purchased by the
              players from fees paid and owned by the members.  Although we are a Club, there is no
              membership fee and attend sessions on a pay-as-you-play basis. We are a non-profit making
              organisation, paying for own equipment and making regular donations to various charities
              as decided by the members.
                    The club is a very friendly, sociable one and, due to the increase in bowlers wanting to
              ‘have a go’, now meets four times a week. Our oldest member, Albert, is 93 years young and
              still plays three times a week – he’s a pretty good bowler as well.
                    We regularly welcome UK visitors to Paphos who turn up for a game. Many who over-
              winter here are familiar faces for months at a time. Although Star Short Mat Bowling Club is
              basically a social bowling club, we do organise our own internal competitions. Even the most
              sociable people enjoy a bit of healthy competition! In 2012 we played Gents and Ladies Sin-
              gles, Mixed Pairs and Drawn Pairs. 2013 has started with Drawn Rinks for a trophy donated
              by a founder member who returned to the UK in 2012. Star also play some friendly matches
              against other Short Mat clubs here in Cyprus. Anyone coming this way for a holiday is wel-
              come to join us for a game. contact Frank on 0357 99 929449 for details of playing times.
                           Marian Taylor

                                       RULE POSER - THE “ANSWER?”
                                       RULE POSER - THE “ANSWER?”
                                       I got told off for not including this in the last issue, which I should have
                                       done but my memory is not what it used to be. The problem happened
                                       with the jack fully in the ditch and marked as to its position. The shot
                                       bowl was a non-toucher just short of the ditch line but there was a
                                       toucher further up the mat. A forcing shot pushed the toucher into the
              ditch and the forcing wood wicked off the toucher and pushed the non-toucher into the ditch
              and it was therefore dead but it did move the jack. The problem that arose was that the
              toucher ended up in the ditch right on the mark where the jack had been.
                    As a non-toucher moved the jack it would normally be replaced in its marked position
              but the dilemma was that to replace the jack the toucher going into the ditch ended up on
              the jacks mark quite legitimately. So what would you do next when you are not supposed to
              move either the jack or the toucher?
                    Surprise, Surprise but not a single Umpire offered a solution to the problem. A non-Um-
              pire suggested that the Toucher should remain in its position and the jack be placed next to
              the Toucher. Another non-Umpire agreed with my “solution” that the jack be replaced and
              the toucher moved next to the jack.
                    So why this solution? Well, the main thing to remember that shots are counted as being
              nearest the jack. The toucher in the ditch next to the jack (in my solution) is obviously shot
              and nothing could change this BUT accepting a new position for the jack could change the
              number of other shots claimed if by repositioning it would bring in other bowls that would oth-
              erwise not have counted if the jack had never moved. This is why replacing the jack would
              very firmly be my solution - discuss!.
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