Page 27 - Layout 1
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Page 27:Layout 1 01/05/2013 16:13 Page 1
From direct personal experience “BCNN” can confirm
that the task of achieving Clubmark, the work involved
and the commitment that is demanded of those dedi-
cated VOLUNTEERS who are prepared to commit a lot
of time for this purpose is not an easy come by resource.
The benefits of gaining Clubmark can be significant
but again it comes down to the club being very proactive
which is back to the VOLUNTEERS. Coaches are a very
significant resource necessary in set programmes within the clubs which takes us back to the
undesirable impositions that the BDA has worked on for the past two to three years. It is an-
ticipated that ONLY Clubmark accredited clubs will be able to apply for some grants from the
BDA so that would limit the impact of the Sport England funding anyway.
4. Then there is the “thin end of the wedge” which it is anticipated that the BDA will
impose upon participants in the package products that will be on offer. A charge starting at
say £5 per person but that will surely increase in due course. In these difficult economic times,
that will need some finding and some will find this off putting. There is also the consideration
that clubs will not expect to charge for new people to try the sport. What would be the purpose
of this charge? To be provided as a payment to the BDA Registered Coaches?
With the cost of £150 training fees and other expenses that those attending the Level 2
“qualification” are likely to incur, will the fees that participants could be charged be given to
these Coaches? The further development that this BDA imposition could lead to is that they
will expect clubs to charge for Coaching and a proportion of that will need to be paid to the
Coaches providing the service. The clubs will not be happy to do this and the Coaches who
after all have come into Coaching for the sole reason of putting something back into the sport,
will not be content either. Probable the next thing to come up will be that the BDA will expect
an “engagement fee” to be paid to them for each hour that one of their registered Coaches is
in attendance.
These are just a few points that have occurred to “BCNN” there are probably others that
will come into the minds of EBCS Coaches. Furthermore it never seems to be amazing what
the BDA are likely to come up with next.
Since the launch of the EBYDS in 2001, a wonderful job has been done by the EBCS
Coaches through the many hours of work they have put in to support the youth sections par-
ticularly in the indoor clubs throughout the county. The EBCS Coaches have supported the
annual EBYDS County and Regional events along with the National School of Excellence.
Without the support of these Coaches none of these events could have been staged so hope-
fully the BDA will not be allowed to “step into” youth development and destroy that.
Hopefully this “SPECIAL” edition will help to assure ALL Coaches that their input to our
sport is absolutely critical to its future development and sustained participation.
“BCNN” has been able to establish an extremely valuable dialogue with Sport England
and while views have been exchanged in a full, honest and frank manner, the needs and well-
being of the Sport of Bowls has always been paramount. It is no good the BDA and/or our
NGB’ coming out with quotes such as “this is what Sport England wants” because that is not
always going to be exactly a true reflection in the situation.
“BCNN” has also be able to meet with some Members of Parliament (including the Rt.
Hon Hugh Robertson, the Minister for Sport) to discuss aspects of the current turmoil that the
BDA has created. While of course the comments that have been exchanged need to be re-
spected it has been significant that everyone has helped to afford encouragement to do what
is RIGHT FOR THE SPORT. In this situation, what more can be asked.
The BDA has failed to provide for a suitable “umbrella” body to represent to WHOLE of
the Sport of Bowls so Best Wishes are afforded to the Association of Bowls Codes in its future