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Middle Adulthood (40-65 years):  Generativity versus stagnation characterizes
                this stage, emphasizing the desire to contribute to the next generation and leave a legacy.

                HRD initiatives may focus on leadership development, succession planning,  and

                knowledge transfer to ensure continuity and growth within organizations.

                     Late Adulthood (65+ years): The integrity versus  despair stage  centres  on
                re�lecting on one’s life and accomplishments. HRD practices, such as phased retirement

                programs and lifelong learning opportunities, can promote  ful�ilment, continued

                engagement, and knowledge sharing among older adults in the workforce (Erikson, 1982;
                Practical Psychology, 2021).

                       For visual reference,  Figure 1 illustrates Erik Erikson’s 8-stage psychosocial

                development theory.

                                             ADULTHOOD            INFANCY
                                            Integrity vs Despair   Trust vs Mistrust

                                   MIDDLE                                        EARLY
                                 ADULTHOOD                                   CHILDHOOD

                                 Generativity vs                               Autonomy vs
                                   Stagnation                                 Shame / Doubt

                                    YOUNG                                     PRESCHOOL

                                    Intimacy vs                                 Initiative vs
                                     Isolation                                     Guilt

                                             ADOLESCENCE  SCHOOL AGE

                                               Identity vs Role    Industry vs
                                                 Confusion          Inferiority

                                   Figure 1.   Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory

                            Adapted from online illustrations of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory

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