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                     Exploring Patterson’s article, “Mentoring Programs: Characteristics within HRD
                and Higher Education Contexts,” in the journal Advances in Developing Human Resources

                was an eye-opening experience for us, who are passionate about higher education and
                HRD. We have always held the belief that mentoring in education and HRD in the

                workplace operated in separate spheres. However, Patterson’s insights challenged this
                notion,  leading us to question whether the perceived gap between them was as

                signi�icant as we once thought. Engaging with Patterson’s work felt like embarking on

                a  journey  of  discovery,  prompting  us  to  reevaluate  our  assumptions  and
                preconceptions about mentoring and HRD.

                     As we delved deeper into Patterson’s article, we found ourselves captivated by his
                meticulous examination of mentoring programs in both HRD and higher education

                settings. Patterson  skilfully navigated through the complexities of today’s workforce
                challenges, shedding light on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the in�lux of

                younger generations into the workforce. Through his analysis, Patterson convincingly

                illustrated the vital role of mentorship in fostering personal development and
                organizational adaptability in the face of these challenges.

                      Moreover, Patterson’s article not only highlighted the close connection between
                mentoring and HRD but also provided actionable guidance for mentors navigating the

                intricacies of the modern workforce. His  insights offered
                valuable perspectives on how mentoring programs can

                serve as bridges between educational institutions

                and the workforce, facilitating collaboration and
                knowledge exchange across different domains.

                     Additionally, Patterson’s discussion of the

                challenges confronting HRD professionals struck

                a chord with us, resonating deeply with our  own
                experiences and observations. Issues such as

                employee mental health, alternative work arrangements,
                and diversity and inclusion efforts  within organizations are

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