Page 35 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
P. 35

establish an efficient logistics system. This system would facilitate the distribution of

               increased paddy production to consumers through a smart platform (Kaihara, Kita, &
               Takahashi, 2021).   However, further research on food security is necessary to facilitate

               production and meet production goals as projected in Pinrang Regency. This research
               aims to enhance the value of agricultural seeds, agricultural systems, and logistics

               systems to ensure the maintenance of product quality.   To reach optimal investment
               targets, it is crucial to develop the Pinrang area more extensively, as this will have a

               significant impact on increasing the food security system and agricultural output (Pur-

               wanto, 2021).
                      Various literatures generally indicate that increasing food production, particu-

               larly rice production, can be achieved by closing or lowering the rice production gap by
               introducing certain cultivars and using organic fertilizers.   The utilization of high-quality

               seeds and specific organic fertilizers incorporated in the food security investment pro-

               gram contributes to the augmentation of rice production.   To boost food productivity,
               it is vital to utilize better seeds, which offer many advantages such as lowering the

               number of seeds to prevent over-replanting, achieving high germination rates, and op-
               timizing fertilizer application.

                      Furthermore, implementing rigorous early development practices to minimize

               weed issues enhances plants' resistance against pests and diseases and allows for
               ongoing fertilization maintenance.   By utilizing the appropriate organic fertilizer in con-

               junction with these parameters, it is possible to enhance the overall agricultural food
               output by a significant margin of 20% to 23% (Raksun, 2016).

                      The determinants of success in food security management are contingent upon
               utilising production inputs.   Maximizing the utilization of production inputs will lead to

               the highest possible production level and ultimately generate significant profits in farm-

               ing.   Farmers are generally aware of the recommended dosage for crop inputs, such
               as organic fertilization.   However, not all farmers adhere to the recommended dosage

               as prescribed, owing to varying degrees of comprehension.   According to Raksun's
               research (Raksun, 2016), farmers typically cultivate rice in an area ranging from 0.50

               to 1.0 hectare, with an average of 0.75 hectares per farmer.   These distinctions in-

               clude, among others, the utilization of existing crop types from their harvests by farm-
               ers, or the adoption of seeds from local governments and/or other varieties that have

               been consistently utilized for several years.

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