Page 34 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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hypothesis is validated by asserting that if the therapy is accurate, utilising organic
fertilizer aligns with the assertion above, confirming its integrity.
This study believes that investing in organic fertilizers can result in a 40% aug-
mentation in paddy production, increasing it from 638,983 tons to 894,576 tons. As-
suming a paddy price of IDR 5000 per kg, calculated in tons, the total profit for the
farmers would amount to IDR 4.272 trillion throughout 3 harvests (Yomari International,
2021). The findings of this investigation provided conclusive answers to all of the
hypotheses from the first to the sixth.
The results of hypothesis testing conducted on paddy plants, comparing the
effects of incomplete and complete fertilizer application, confirmed that the hypothesis
that using organic fertilizer leads to a 40% increase in production from 638,983 tons to
894,576 tons was valid. Assuming a paddy price of IDR 5000 per Kg, calculated in
tons, the total income of the farmers' profits will amount to IDR 4.272 trillion throughout
3 harvests. However, it is important to note that the sample testing conducted before
and after the treatment is limited to a specific number of samples.
Before and after testing the treatment, it is necessary to communicate the ex-
perimental results to farmers and society toto assess their willingness to use organic
fertilizers at prices suitable for their needs per hectare. This communication should
take the form of a dialogue on food security programs. The analysis of the nano-
technology of organic fertilizer mentioned above implies that the production cost, com-
pared to other fertilizer brands, accounts for just 10 percent per hectare, based on an
average of IDR 3,070,000 (Yomari International, 2021). Nevertheless, the farmers
are prepared to reimburse Rp 900,000 for the fertilizer, stipulating that the payment is
done after the harvest of the agricultural products. The investor determines the price
paid based on the harvest production period. Based on the results of the demonstration
plots and the treatment applied to two different plantation lands, it can be inferred that
the farmer groups are interested in using the provided organic fertilizer. Therefore, ex-
panding the demonstration plot to cover an additional area of 3 hectares is recom-
mended, benefiting 30 plantation land owners in the next planting season.
Additional demonstration plots are necessary to assess the yield of paddy plant-
ings on a larger scale and to confirm the community's willingness to utilize organic
fertilizer in future seasons for the food security investment program in Pinrang district.
To ensure that farmers can consistently earn substantial profits from rice pro-
duction without experiencing price declines during harvest time, it is essential to