Page 37 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
P. 37

Part III

                                         Analysis of the Business Impact of
                           the Food Security Investment Program in Pinrang Regency

               3.1. Introduction

                      Every government have the task of ensuring the safety of the food supply. Ac-
               cording to Erokhin and Gao (Erokhin & Gao, 2020), the government, whether at the

               central or regional level, is confronted with several policy options that it must adapt to

               meet the needs of the people to guarantee food security. These policy options include
               expanding investment programs in agriculture; encouraging the use of environmentally

               friendly technology by climate change; restoring agricultural land that the use of chem-
               icals has damaged; ensuring that postharvest storage and supply chain mechanisms

               are improved; and even getting involved in the promotion of their agricultural products
               specifically. Each government at each of these levels faces particular challenges for

               the middle class in their society, which is transitioning away from traditional foods and

               toward more nutritious foods, such as meat, fish, and dairy products. When this occurs,
               the middle class requires assistance expanding their higher resource fulfillment in do-

               mestic agriculture or obtaining them from the import mechanism in larger quantities.

                      According to Balkrishna, etc. (Balkrishna, Chaudhary, Joshi, & Arya, 2021), the
               Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report includes a list of various general strategies

               to encourage more sustainable land use. Each of these strategies is highly applicable
               to organic agriculture. This is about the global development of agriculture. The creation

               of proper institutions for government and marketing, overcoming social and behavioral
               hurdles, and encouraging investment in development are all examples of these tech-

               niques. Several specific policy measures were offered in addition to promoting relevant

               technologies, knowledge, and specialized skills.
                      Furthermore, according to Purwanto (Purwanto, 2021), the utilization of appro-

               priate technology, adequate agricultural knowledge, and farming skills, the factors of
               water, energy, and food security, as well as the interactions between their components

               internally and their interrelationships with environmental, social, government, and even
               political conditions, are the factors that cause these issues to become more important

               and require more attention. The primary issues currently being passionately debated

               in developing countries and wealthy countries are concerned with the current state of
               water, food, and food security, all of which are extremely complicated. To achieve a

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