Page 38 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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specific level of water, energy, and food security concurrently, which is a complicated
task that will effect investment, it is important to note that other sectors, including so-
cial, political, and environmental conditions influence investment.
The opportunity to make further investments in seed is required to discover the
superiority of seed through plantation research. This could make Pinrang districts not
only the largest food security center in Indonesia, but also a new city of agriculture
marked in Indonesia with specific research about the study of national agriculture or
international agriculture. When the time for investment can be realized, the opportunity
to do further investments in seed will be available. In the sphere of education, the
chance to invest in education is required to educate every education graduate intend-
ing to enter the agricultural industry. This will allow them to accomplish a work that will
allow them to be proud of their vocation as a farmer.
The potential and available area for investment in Pinrang through agricultural
fisheries reaches 17,143.23 hectares, and the results of fishing production reach
42,075.01 tons in 2021. A total of 56,097.80 hectares of land is used for agricultural
purposes, with corn accounting for 10,815 hectares. According to the report that was
published by Bappeltibanda (Bappelitbanda Pinrang, 2021), the annual output of rice
in the year 2020 reached 638,983 tons, while the annual production of maize reached
122.02 types of grain. However, the total area of the plantation had reached 41,177.65
hectares. It has been determined that the productivity of estatery has reached
19,070.47 tons of produce, ranging from sugar palm plantations to coconut plantations.
It is possible to achieve a forty percent increase in productivity by maximizing
the use of fertilizers for the community, which is made possible by the opportunities
and prospects of agricultural output in the food security program. The financial total
incomes it can attain are IDR 4.911 trillion in 2023, and the profits for investors of PT.
Bakaru Tanratuo reached IDR 1.321 trillion in total investment cost of IDR 2.51 3.762
trillion for ten years. These figures are based on the predictions of the investments.
The findings of an investigation into the expansion of rice output went from
638,983 tons to 894,576 tons, representing a forty percent rise. The expansion of pro-
duction necessitates establishing warehouse infrastructure, the outcomes of which will
be crucial in determining the perceived benefits for the community. As a result of the
increase, it directly influences the price of rice. If the warehouse does not exist, the
price will decrease, and the merchandise will be damaged. The construction of a