Page 43 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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and  unloading  containers,  which  were  performed  for  domestic  and  foreign

                  shipments, are the source of profits for the company.

               3.2.5. Research and Development (R&D)

                      Integrated  with  warehousing,  production  processes,  factory  processing,  and

                  transportation, research and development is geared toward planning and allocating
                  product distribution within a smart city framework. This is done to ensure that the

                  framework  is  used  effectively.  It  is estimated  that  thirty  and  forty percent  of  the

                  company's activities are committed to research costs. To make Pinrang not only the
                  largest food security center in Indonesia, but also the new city in Indonesia marked

                  by all the study of agriculture on a national or international level, additional research
                  is being directed toward the field of superior seed research. This is being done to

                  make Pinrang a significant player in agriculture. To guarantee that the quality of the

                  goods is kept at a high level, the outcomes are anticipated to give additional value
                  for agricultural seeds, agricultural systems, and logistical systems. In the form of

                  unhulled rice that has been left aside from the repeated harvests of the previous
                  season, more than sixty percent of the rice seeds used by the community come from

                  the informal sector. This rice has been taken from the area. When planting rice
                  fields,  the  farmers  use  non-organic  fertilizers,  commonly  known  as  artificial

                  fertilizers. No farmer ever uses organic fertilizers. It is believed that applying fertilizer

                  doses is not even close to being recommended.
               3.2.6. Education & Instructional Programs

                      This analysis of education and training is intended to measure the readiness of
                  the Pinrang agricultural development program as a particular area for the centre of

                  agriculture  in  Indonesia,  which  at  the  same  time  becomes  a  centre  for  the

                  development of farming in education, food agriculture in research, and the design
                  of a national food supply management system that it integrated into the supply chain

                  management system based on digital logistics algorithms.

               3.3 Entrepreneurial Prospects
                      The  total  population  of  Pinrang,  according  to  Disdukcapil  Pinrang

               (Bappelitbanda Pinrang, 2021) based on statistics from the BPS of Pinrang Regency,

               the population of Pinrang reaches 403,994 people with a productive age of 15-60 years

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