Page 48 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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groups,  including  agricultural  associations,  rice  mill  entrepreneurs,  prospective

               warehouse  owners,  and  local  villages.      This  socialization  aims  to  assist  in
               implementing the Pinrang food security project as the primary food provider.

                      In  order  to  achieve  the  goal  of  establishing  a  comprehensive  food  security
               industrial area equipped with facilities such as storage, docks, and ports, it is essential

               to engage in partnerships with other entities, including consulting firms and contractors.

               To  capitalize  on  these  prospects,  it  is  necessary  to  establish  a  memorandum  of
               understanding (MoU) with the potential buyer to sell the goods.

               3.5.4. Threat

                      There is a correlation between the character of the businessman and the com-
               munity in Pinrang and the fact that it will impact the success of the executed invest-

               ment model. This is because, simultaneously, several business people from Pinrang
               will experience feelings of competition and engage in activities similar to those of PT.

               Bakaru Tanra Tuo. The entrepreneurs of Pinrang can interfere with the investments
               made during the project's implementation until they are commodified according to

               their interests.

               3.6. Operational Planning

                   1.  The operations included in the operational planning are designed to raise the

                      output  of  agricultural  products  by  forty per cent.  In  order  to  accomplish  this
                      objective, it is necessary to consistently disseminate the numerous testimonials

                      that have been published, in addition to carrying out a pilot project. By a mutual

                      agreement with the local government, socialization will continue to be carried
                      out  through  various  meetings  with  farmer  groups,  communities,  and  the

                      agriculture, plantation, and fishery services. These meetings will be based on
                      data  collected  from  the  Report  of  Bappeltibanda  Pinrang  (Bappelitbanda

                      Pinrang,  2021),  which  serves  as  a  database  to  forecast  the  agricultural
                      productions that require organic fertilizers. Specifically, the following information

                      has been gathered for investment:

                      1.  A total of 17,143.23 hectares of land meets the requirements for agricultural
                          activities. In 2020, the fishpond yields reached a total of 42,075.01 tons.

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