Page 45 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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security conditions, the potential of the opportunity to realize the goal of food security
under the investment program in Pinrang is relatively steady on potential growth, with
the Gross Regional Domestic Product reaching Rp. 52.93 million. This possibility is
indicated by the fact that the program is already in place.
The total amount of land that is available for agricultural purposes in the field of
fisheries is 17,143.23 hectares, and the total amount of fisheries products that are
produced is 42,075.01 tons. Rice cultivation takes up 56,097.80 hectares of land, while
corn cultivation takes up 10,815 hectares of property. The study published by
Bappeltibanda (Bappelitbanda Pinrang, 2021) indicates that the annual output of rice
will reach 638,983 tons in 2020, while the annual production of corn will reach 122.02
tons. The plantation covered a total of 41,177.65 hectares of land. When everything
was said and done, the plantation productivity reached 19,070.47 tons of produce,
which included everything from Sugar Palm to Deep Coconut.
When Yomari Golden Organic (YGO) fertilizer is used, production yields could
be boosted by forty per cent. This makes it clear that the market potential is very
profitable in all three planting seasons of each year.
3.4. The Analysis of Competitors
Analysis of similar products in the form of subsidized organic fertilizer from the
government, which is given to farmers for free, according to the Bupati of Pinrang
(Bupati Pinrang, 2022), state that it is because of the organic fertilizer is given free of
charge, it is a problem for farmers to get it because the treatment not educating them.
In addition to the central government providing subsidies for fertilized soil, many
organic fertilizers are being sold with the belief that they will result in higher yields. The
fact that organic fertilizer can be easily manufactured and that it may even be done by
local people who provide it by making it and marketing it among Pinrang farmers is one
of the reasons why it promotes competition. Furthermore, the organic fertilizers, which
include competitors of YGO fertilizer, are in addition to the non-organic fertilizers.
Based on the findings of the research and the information gathered from various
sources, it was possible to illustrate that agricultural goods require particular types of
fertilizers, specifically organic and non-organic soil amendments. The use of fertilizers
is linked to the amount of product that is produced. Using non-organic fertilizers
increases output yields per tonne that range from 3% to 20% on average, according to