Page 46 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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research  conducted  in  various  publications.  Under  the  same  circumstances,  the

               average  production  of  organic  fertilizers,  which  includes  organic  fertilizers  for  local
               populations, grew by a minimum of twenty per cent and a maximum of twenty-three

               per cent for each tonne of agricultural produce. Based on the findings of research
               conducted by YGO, organic fertilizers offer a rise in the average production yield per

               one tonne, with the lowest percentage being forty per cent and the greatest being sixty
               per cent.

               3.5. The SWOT Analysis

               3.5.1. Strength

                   The Pinrang Regency food security investment program is based on data from the
               Pinrang food security report (Bappelitbanda Pinrang, 2021) taken by policy Endurance

               Food through:
               1.  an increasing diversity production source food resources, institutions implementing

                   institutions and strengthening the local culture of the Pinrang community,

               2.  an optimizing efficiency economy and excellence competitive Pinrang agricultural
                   ar-ea as a national rice granary,

               3.  regulation distribution of food and food products refers to a competitive and fair

                   market mechanism,
               4.  Optimizing food resilience as part of an effort to enhance the income of farmers,

                   distributors of agricultural products, and micro, small, and medium enterprises.

                      The utilization of production inputs is one of the success variables contributing
               to the program's strength in managing rice farming. These factors are responsible for

               determining the program's success. When production inputs are utilized most effec-
               tively, the result will be maximum production, ultimately resulting in relatively high prof-

               itability for farming. Farmers typically understand the dosage specifications that are

               advised for applying crop inputs like fertilization. On the other hand, due to varying
               degrees of comprehension, not all farmers apply the advised dose. Rice growing is

               carried out by farmers in an area ranging from 0.50-1.0 ha (with an average of 0.75 ha

               per farmer), according to the findings of a study conducted by Raksun (Raksun, 2016).
               Farmers may utilize accessible varieties from their harvests, seeds obtained from local

               governments,  or  varieties  used  consistently  for  several  years.  These  distinctions

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