Page 39 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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warehouse necessitates implementing an efficient logistics system that allows for the
increased production to be disseminated to other locations and even exported.
On the other hand, to support production and to guarantee the achievement of
production targets at the subsequent stage, according to agricultural projections in
Pinrang Regency, it is necessary to research seeds to provide added value for agricul-
tural seeds, systems, and logistics systems. This is done to guarantee that the quality
of the products used for food security is well maintained. If the investment is success-
ful, it will positively impact the overall development of the region, which will lead to an
increase in agricultural productivity in Pinrang. This will be achieved in the most effec-
tive manner possible.
3.2. Literature Composed of Product Descriptions
3.2.1. Organic Fertilizer with Yomari Golden Formula
Food security production using Yomari fertilizer has several advantages,
according to the secondary research that Yomari published on the subject
(Yomari International, 2020). These advantages include the following: (1) The
plant is ready to serve to produce direct crops that it could absorb without
photosynthesis. (2) It is manufactured from vegetable materials that are
contained within it. (3) as per the research findings, the provision of fertilisers
can generate more than forty to sixty percent more than the typical crop. (4) The
fertilizer will encourage the plant to produce fruit off-season, which is
advantageous. Using organic fertilizer can save you up to 90 percent of the
money you would have spent on chemical fertilizer, compound fertilizer, or
conventional fertilizer, and it can also boost your results by 40 percent when
compared to other organic fertilizers. (as a result of studies conducted over ten
years), it is essential for the plant's growth since it contains thirteen nutrients
and four active substances. Improvements should be made to the plant's acid
soil condition. (8) Ensure that the plant thrives in any weather situations, (9)
Increase the length of time it takes to harvest or harvest simultaneously while
taking into account their young trees, The tenth point is that it may be utilized in
fishponds or shrimp ponds, where it will make fish or shrimp more comfy,
powerful, and unstressed. (11) It is possible to use it in conjunction with
insecticides and pesticides, and it may also be used with chemical fertilizer in a
small amount so that it can be as effective as possible in terms of both time and