Page 24 - Up_and_Aware_Class_8_Neat
P. 24
Now think of/read the story of The Ants and the Grasshopper and together,
as a class, discuss and fill in the blanks below:
Somebody __________________________________________________________________
Wants _______________________________________________________________________
But __________________________________________________________________________
So ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Have you ever had a conflict with your parent/s over what to
eat for dinner?
2. Have you ever had a conflict with your parent/s over how much time
you can spend watching television or playing video games?
3. Have you ever had a conflict with your brother/sister/cousin?
4. Have you ever had a conflict with a friend?
5. Now think of a problem you had with someone and how you solved it.
Here are the steps to help you. Do this exercise by yourself.
Somebody ___________________________________________________________
Wants _______________________________________________________________
But _________________________________________________________________
So __________________________________________________________________
Were you okay/happy with the way your conflict ended?
Do you wish some conflicts had ended differently?
Share with the class.
24 honesty open-minded individuality trust integrity respect commitment trust equality open-minded commitment
individuality integrity commitment equality honesty equality individuality integrity honesty individuality integrity respect