Page 22 - Captured Companion Guide ESV
P. 22

Captured: Lesson Eight
                                           Chapter 8: Los Baños, Here We Come

            •  Introduce the story:

        Have you ever been hungry? How did it make you feel? (grumpy, stomach noises, etc.)

        Have you gone to bed hungry? We are not talking about not eating dessert or an evening snack but going to
        bed without having eaten a meal. In many countries around the world, especially poor areas, people may only
        eat one meal a day—usually in the afternoon. We don’t totally understand what this is like because most of us
        eat three meals a day, plus a snack or two.
        In today’s story, the Hess family needs God’s help to know how to feed their family when food is hard to find.

        While we read today’s chapter, you can color the pictures on page 15 and 16 and any of the previous pages.

        Read Captured Chapter 8.

            •  Something to Think About (review questions):

        1. How did God keep the Hess family together? (Truck and cot for sick Hudson, family at Los Baños)
        2. What plan did Daddy Hess and the other men have to give their families more room? (Build a roofed area
            off the back of the building for table and chairs, and build a cookhouse)

        3. When the food lines were serving less food, what unusual things did the Hess family eat? (Pigweed,
             banana peels, and cornmeal mush)

        4. What colorful things did Mother add to their vegetable garden and around the outside of the barracks?
            (Morning glories and orchids [flowers], she also planted a hedge)

        5. What were Arlene’s new shoes like? (Made of wood, with rubber innertube straps)
        6. What chores did the Hess children do when Daddy Hess was having surgery and Mother was sick?
            (Hudson cooked; Arlene did laundry and bathed Baby Victor)

        7. What did the soldiers tell the families they were not to look at? (Airplanes flying overhead)

            •  Action Plan (do something):
        This week, pray for a friend that is sad or hurting. Contact that friend to let him/her know you are praying and
        that he or she is not alone.

            •  Memory Verse:
        Galatians 6:2 ESV
        Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

            •  Talk to God:

        Thank you, God, that we don’t have to carry our hurts and troubles alone.
        Thank you that you help us. Amen.
            •  What we learned from today’s chapter….
           Captured © 2023 One Mission Society. This page may be copied in its entirety as a supplement to the Captured missions biography resource.
                 One Mission Kids • One Mission Society, PO Box A, Greenwood IN  46142 • Phone: 317.888.3333 •
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