Page 28 - MSM Bloomberg Scholarship
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Bloomberg Scholarship Impact
Making Student Dreams A Reality
Ian Robinson is really like? Everyone in decision making, as I can
feel more comfortable en-
our class loves to support
Pensacola, FL each other. If someone has tering a primary care field
2nd-year M.D. student difficulty understanding such as pediatrics, and I
Why did you choose Morehouse a topic, there will always can worry less about the
School of Medicine? In my inter- be someone there to help debt I have accrued.
view, there was a certain atmo- explain. There is a close
sphere that felt like family, every- bond built between us that What is your take on
one at the school is here to support stems from the family en- the nationwide shortage
students through our journey to vironment at the school. of Black doctors? It is
become doctors. disheartening to continually hear
Have you had any difficult about it. Studies have shown that
What first interested you in challenges in your medical/health- having a physician from a similar
your program of study or medicine? care school journey? Both in school cultural upbringing as your pri-
Was there a “light bulb” or “a-ha” with keeping up with the rigor of mary doctor plays a major role in
moment? From the earliest I can re- class work and outside of school. someone’s health care. This com-
member, I always said I want to be I do not know anyone in school monality breeds a better under-
a doctor. My “a-ha” moment came right now who has not experienced standing and stronger trust in the
on my preceptorship when the at- similar anxieties. doctor-patient relationship.
tending physician was mentioning
things that I learned in class, and I Has the financial burden of What do you hope to accom-
felt so excited to know that I under- medical school been particularly plish in your career after gradua-
stood what he was talking about. difficult for you? It has, growing up tion/residency? Practice medicine
I always had a dream of following for several years where I hope to
Was the institution’s mission a career in pediatrics and surgery. make lasting change and eventually
important to you, when you were With the vast amount of debt, we come back to teach future genera-
choosing a medical school? The gain as students, I sometimes feel tions.
mission was very important. I it may be easier to pay it off, if I
have always planned on serving in were to go into a more specialized If you could say or do one thing
underserved communities, where a surgical field which makes more to thank the Bloomberg Philanthro-
I feel I can truly make a difference money. This scholarship helps some pies’ Greenwood Initiative, what
for the better, so Morehouse School of the significant financial burden would it be? Your gift is transforma-
of Medicine is the perfect fit for me. that I have from school. tional in that, it will impact the lives
of thousands, especially those in
What is your program of study Please share how scholarship underserved communities. I thank
and area of specialty? I wish to support helps you — academically, you, and you can be assured that
work in the field of pediatrics. My professionally, and personally? This your investment in our future will
ultimate dream is to practice clini- scholarship has helped in my career truly make a difference.
cally as well as surgically, and even-
tually coming back for academics. Your gift is transformational in that, it will
Can you tell me a story about “ impact the lives of thousands, especially those
in underserved communities. I thank you,
something that has happened and you can be assured that your investment
during medical school that would in our future will truly make a difference.
illustrate what the MSM experience