Page 62 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 62
Test your l<nowledge of the EU. Try the quiz, then read the text
and checkyour answers.
1 ln which decade was the organisation that was to
become the EU formed?
2 Can you name three of the six original members?
Origins and growth 3 How many member states are there now?
ln the aftermath of the 4 ln which two cities does the European Parliament meet?
Second World War, some
Complete the text with appropriate words. Use one word only
political leaders in Western
in each gap.
Europe believed that the
only 1- to avoid war
Read the text and explain in your own words:
and conflict in the future
was [o unite the countries 1 what the founders of the EU hoped that it would achieve.
of Europe in an economic and political union. So, in 1952 six 2 what'pooting sovereignty' means.
cor.rntries - France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands 3 how the European Commission, the CounciI of the EU and
and Luxembourg - formed 2-was to evolve into the the European Parliament are made up, and what their
European Union (EU). Since then a3- 22 countries have roles are.
joined the organisation, bringing the total population of the
4 what Eurosceptics fear.
EU to over 500 million.
& Find these nouns in the text and complete the collocations
How does it work?
with the correct verbs.
The EU is not a federation '- the United States.
The member states of the EU remain independent sovereign 1 ,-- an organisation 5 an etection
nations but they pool their sovereignty in certain areas of 2 powers 6 benefits
policy. Pooling sovereignty means, 5- practice, that 3 new legislation 7 peace and stability
the member states delegate some of their decision-making 4 alaw 8 control
powers to shared institutions they have created, so that
decisions 6- speci{ic matters of joint interest can be Comptete these phrases from the text with prepositions.
made democratically at European level. 1 evolve 2 consist 3 vote
The three main decision-making institutions are:
. the European Commission, consisting of 28 commissioners, PREPOSITIONS: W0RKBOOK PAGE 106 {K
one chosen by each member state. The role of the
Commission is to propose new legislation, but it cannot S& Z.f O Listen to four people tall<ing about the EU. Match
pass laws '- itself. each speaker with one benefit (a-d) and one drawback (e-h).
. lhe Council of the EU, consisting of one government Speal<er 3 tr n
speal<er 1 fl fl
minister from each country. The Council is the EU's main Speal<er 4 E tr
decision-making body. It votes on legislation proposed by Speal<er 2 E E
the Commission.
Benefits ofthe EU
. the European Parliament, based in Brussels and Sfrasbourg,
a The EU gives European countries a voice in wortd affairs.
and consistin g of 785 MEPs directly elected by the citizens
of the EU. Elections are held 8- five years. Like b The EU has made it much easier to travel around Europe.
c The European singte market is a real success.
the Council, the ParliamenI votes on and passes laws
proposed by the Commission. d The EU provides economic aid to the poorer regions
of Europe.
Drawbacl<s of the EU
The British have a very uneasy relationship with the EU. e The EU should leave more decisions to national
British Europhiles claim that the EU continues to bring
govern ments.
iangible economic and political benefits to the UK, and that
f The EU is over-bureaucratic and many of the laws it
ii has delivered peace and stability to Europe [or over halI a
century. Eurosceptics, however, who are probably e a passes are unnecessary.
maiority in the UK, are concerned about the direction the EU g The free movement of labour has created problems.
is taking. They believe that it is fr.rndamentally undemocratic h The EU is undemocratic.
and unaccountable, and maintain that the real aim of the EU
is to create an enormous federai state in which individual ffi Discuss the statements in exercise 6 and decide if
member states will exercise little conirol ro- their own you agree or disagree with them. .lustify your opinions.
affairs. i - ''.-'
>> Discuss the EU at hltprl_www.debatinqeufo
Unit5.Dreams 61