Page 60 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 60

          Vocabulary .  synonyms  of predict  r  expressions  for plans  and predictions  t  adjective-adverb/verb-noun  coltocations
          '   dependent  prepositions (2) .  register r  cotlocations  with sleep .  synonyms  of prize t  idioms  for expressing  joy  Dreams
          r  concession  and counter-argument  r reportingverbs
          Grammar  r  talking about  the future r phrasat  verbs:  particles and their meanings .  reporting  structures
          Speaking .  talking about personaI  ambitions  r  talking about  sleep and dreams I talking about  the EU .  photo  comparison
          Writing I  6 516ry

                                                                 11 ... achieve my    (of + gerund)
                                                                  12 I hope I     in (+ gerund)
                                                                  13 I may      towards that.
                                                                  14 I don't see that happening in the   future.
                                                                  15 l'tt be in a better   to ...  (+  base form)
                                                                  ffi  ORAfoiM,AR  BUI;.OTR 6.1' 1AI.KI}IG ABOUT  T}-IT IUTUR,.
                                                                   p&&€  33X €m
                                                                4  Where do you see yourself in ten years'time?  Mal<e notes
                                                                   under these  headings.

          ffim     Worl< in pairs.  Describe the photo and answer the                       What? Where?
          questions.                                                Study what?  Where?
          1 What  iob  does the woman do?
          2 Have  you ever had your fortune totd? lf not, woutd you  Yes or no? When?
                                                                                            Where? What type?
             tike to? WhyUWhy not?                                  How many?
          3 Why do peopte  want to know their future?
          4 Do you think it is possibte  to predict the future?
          5 Do you know any famous prophecies? Did they come                                How important?
                                                                   ffi      Work in pairs.  Make predictions aboutyour
          D  VOCneULARY BUILDER 6.1: SYNONYMS  Ot PREDICTI         partner's future.
          WORKBOOKPAGEl06     (K
                                                                   Work in pairs.  Lool<  at each other's notes from exercise 4 and
           &  Z,OS Listen to sixteenagers answeringthe  question:  ask some questions about  the predictions. Add your answers
           Where  do you see yourself in ten yeors'fime7  Answer the  to your  notes.
          questions. Give reasons foryour answers.
           1 Who  has the most/teast  interesting  ambitions?
           2 Who  is the most/least optimistic about futfitting  their
             am bitions?
           3 Do you have similar  ambitions  to any of the speakers?
           db  e.Oa Complete the expressions  with the words  below.
           Then listen again and checl<.
           come counting determined everything  foreseeable
           fulfil goal hopes til<ely myself position  realise                                :t),:knagtnellfl[l  ]::;;.::,i,;,r,ii,:l
           sights succeed  worl<
           1 I think it's   that ...
           2 I can(not) see    (+ gerund)
           3 l've set my-   on  (+ noun)
           4 l'm not    -
                         on it.
           5 Assuming  that I   my ambition ...
           6 lf my plans     to nothing,  ...
           7 I'm      to  (+ base form)
           8 l'tt give it  -   I've got.
           9       my dream  (of + gerund)                      I  ffiffi   Workwith a different  partner.  Tetthim or her about
          10 l'm (not) pinning  my   on  (noun/gerund)             where you  see yourself in ten years from now.
             -                                                                                        Unit5'Dreams  59
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