Page 57 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 57

Explain this quotation  about  admiration.  Do you  agree  with  Read the article.  Find passages  where the writer has:
           it? Why?/Why  not?
                                                                   1 addressed  the reader.
         We always love those who admire us, but we                2 used  a rhetorical  question.
         do not always love those whom we admire.                  3 used: (a)  a chatty, personaI  styte (b) a more formal  styte.
                                                                  Top of the list of people  I greatly  admire
                                                                  comes my great-grandfather,  who, at
                                                                  the age of 97, is still living a full and
            Writine an article
                 g an article
                                                                  active life.  lf you  were to meet  him,
            When writing an article,  it is important  to consider:
                                                                  you wouldn't  believe  he's only  three
           : 1 the target audience, i.e. who you are writing  for.  years shod of a hundred.
           r 2 the purpose of the articte  (e.g. to entertain,    Throughout his long life he has battled
           I   to persuade,  to inform, etc).                     against adversity  and misfortune. He
           : 3 the appropriate styte  (e.9. formal, informal,  'chatty'  lost both his parents before  his twelfth
           I   gnd  p:l'ol1!:  lh.  use of heg!y191,  nufft  ooin!s,   birlhday, and on top of that his elder brother
                                                                  died in the First World  War. As a young man  in the 1930s  he was out
                                                                  of work for long periods and really struggled to supporl  his young
           Read  the Writing  tip and the tasl< below. What  is the target
                                                                  family.  Then,  just  as things began  to go better for him,  he was called
           audience? What is the purpose  of the article?  What style
                                                                  up to fight in the Second  World  War. He  joined  the RAF  and was shot
           would be most appropriate?
                                                                  down over  France  in 1944.  Not only was he badly injured,  but he was
                                                                  also captured and spent the rest of the war in a prisoner-of-war  camp
            Someone I admire                                      After the war, he opened a small  garage,  doing repairs  and servicing,
            Write  an articte about someone  you admire. lt could  and selling  second-hand  cars,  and through sheer  hard work built it up
            be someone  you l<now persona[[y  or a public  figure.  into a successful business.  However,  the business ran into difficulties
            .  lnclude  information  about their [ife.            during a recession  and he went bankrupt.
            .  lnctude information  about their achievements.     All this was long before I was born, of course. But what's he really like
            .  Exptain whyyou admire them.                        as a person? ln the years that  I have known him he has shown other
                                                                  great  qualities besides  the courage and determination which helped
            The three best articles will be pubtished  in the school
                                                                  him through the difficult times. He's  kind,  willing to listen and offer
            magazine  next month.
                                                                  a word of advice  -  but he never forces it on you.  What's more,  he's
                                                                  great  fun to be with and very witty.
           The opening of the article should grab the reader's  attention
                                                                  He's one of the wisest and most  tolerant people I know,  and l'm very
           and draw them in. Which  of these  openings  worl<s least wel[?  lucky  to have him as my great-grandfather.
                                                                   An article needs a good title. Choose  the best title for the
               i' i'-lhuru   ,re u numbarlo{  pooPlc  l-admiit; btft  ons  article in exercise 4.
             (O,  parson *tandg:out{rorn  allilhr bJhore':
                                               ""                  1 A long tife         4  My great-grandfather
                                                                   2 A lovely  old man   5  Someone I admire
                  Fatience,  wisdom and qeneroeity  are three qualities  3  BattLing  against adversity
                  *at t value greai;ly, antl my friend  guean  hae allthree
                                                                   ln the article, find two of the nouns below  and three
                  in abundance.
                                                                   adjectives  formed  from the nouns below.
              ,  !"
             ''j    persoal  T adwire nuosl is wy elder  brott*er,
                dosepbt.  Ue's  rea.Ilff  ad*irab!.X  p.rso.yr.

                  li ihrrs'* nne pe.rnrn  th*t ambodio*  aii that  t  I  Form adjectives  from  a[[ the other nouns in the box.
              @   ;dmirr.  in * h*nan, i1'* m1 l\unl  L"inda'
                                                                   D  VOCABULARY  BUILEER  5.3: WORD  FORIVIATION  (1):
                                                                   WCIRKBOOK  PAGE 105 re

             -.   Wh ai,t'nikeA  u s a d nira; paopio?,,  Aften :it  :is;l''  ffiffitrffitffi  Work in pairs.  Mal<e  a list of five well-l<nown
             (!),                                                  people whom  you admire. What are the qualities  and
                because'they  nave  bamirable quiit  iu; *ni"in
              '  wedan:toursafveopooges6.  ,:i   ,  ,,il           achievements  that you find admirable?  Use the nouns and
                                                                   adjectives  in exercises 6 andT to help you.

     56  Unit 5  Battles
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