Page 27 - Final Report - KAUSC Team
P. 27


1.6 Recommended Option

This section compares the key characteristics of each solution option and recommends a
preferred solution option for implementation.

1.6.1 Option Rankings

In this section, after coming up with three options that are according to the regulations. The
team needed to decide which of the available options are the most suitable to the team. The
KTDA table gives the difference between each option to choose the highest scored one.

Table 19 KTDA for comparison of options

       Musts          Option 1  Option 2  Option 3
   Dimensions            GO        GO        GO
Wheels and tyres         GO        GO        GO
                         GO        GO        GO
       Doors             GO        GO        GO

Steering system       GO GO GO
                      GO GO GO
        Lighting      GO GO GO
Driver's compartment

Weight                GO GO GO

Safe Design           GO GO GO

Wants          Wight  Score W x S Score W x S Score W x S

Light weight     25   7 175 9 225 5 125

      Cost       30   9 270 8 240 7 210
    Ease of      15   7 210 6 180 3       90
                      4 60 3 45 7 105

Total                 715 690 530

                                          26 | P a g e
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32