Page 147 - hakka
P. 147



            Chicken Neck Cake

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            糯米粉                200克                            200 grams glutinous rice flour
            粘米粉                100克                            100 grams rice flour

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            炕花生碎               3汤匙                             3 tablespoons roasted crushed peanuts
            炕白芝麻               1汤匙                             1 tablespoon roasted white sesame seeds
            白糖                 3汤匙                             3 tablespoons sugar
            食用油                2汤匙                             2 tablespoons cooking oil
            清水                 150克                            150 grams water

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将糯米粉和粘米粉倒入盆中,逐渐加入清水,搅                          1.  Pour  the  glutinous  rice  flour  and  rice  flour  into  a
                拌均匀,揉搓成光滑的粄团。                                     bowl,  gradually  add  water  and  stir  until  well  com-
            2.  将锅烧热后倒入少许食用油加热,待油热后熄                              bined. Knead into a smooth dough.
                火,将糯米粄团放入锅中,用炒勺轻轻敲打成饼                          2.  Heat the wok and add a small amount of oil to heat.
                状。再加食用油用小火慢煎,边煎边用炒勺敲                              One the oil is hot, turn off the heat. Place the dough
                打,使粄逐渐变大变薄,直至表面金黄取出。                              into the wok and gently tap it with a spatula into a
            3.  将煎好的粄胚平摊在熟砧板上,撒上拌好的馅料                             flat  cake.  Add  more  cooking  oil,  pan-fry  over  low
                (将炕花生碎、炕白芝麻和白糖混合)。在粄胚                             heat,  continuing  tapping  and  flattening  the  dough
                中间切一刀,将其分别卷成两条圆柱体状,用刀                             with the spatula until it becomes larger, thinner and
                斜切成2厘米段即可。                                        becomes golden on the surface. Remove from the
            ■ 风味特色                                             3.  Spread  the  fried  rice  cake  flat  on  a  cutting  board.
            外酥里嫩,香甜可口。                                            Sprinkle with the filling mixture of roasted crushed
                                                                  peanuts, roasted sesame seeds and sugar evenly on
                                                                  top. Make a cut down the center of the cake, then
                                                                  roll each half into a cylindrical shape. Slice diagonally
                                                                  into 2 cm segments.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Crispy outside, tender inside, sweet, and delicious.
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