Page 95 - hakka
P. 95



            Ginger Oil Chicken

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            粘米粉                250克                            250 grams rice flour

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            清水                 250克                            250 grams water
            沸水                 250克                            250 grams boiling water
            枧水                   3克                            3 grams lye water

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            红味             (清水6汤匙、红糖3汤匙、白砂糖                    Red flavour:    6 tablespoons water,
                              2汤匙、姜片10克熬煮而成)                                 3 tablespoons brown sugar,
            白味             (蒜蓉10克煎香、清水3汤匙、鱼露                                 2 tablespoons white sugar,
                              2汤匙煮制而成)                                       10 grams ginger slices, boiled together.
                                                               White flavour:   10 grams minced garlic stir-fried,
            ■ 制作流程                                                           3 tablespoons water,
            1.  将清水倒入粘米粉中,搅拌均匀后加入枧水继续                                        2 tablespoons fish sauce, boiled together.
            2.  用沸水从高处冲入粉浆中,同时用筷子迅速搅                           ■ Method
                拌,直至粉浆成半熟且流动状。                                 1.  Pour  water  into  the  rice  flour  and  stir  until  even-
            3.  将调好的粉浆倒入一个个浅小碗中。放入蒸锅,                             ly  mixed.  Add  lye  water  and  continue  to  mix  until
                先用大火蒸10分钟,再转中火蒸20分钟,直至碗                           smooth.
                面周围鼓起,中间形成凹窝状即可出锅。                             2.  Pour  boiling  water  from  a  height  into  the  batter,
                                                                  while stirring quickly with chopsticks until the batter
            ■ 风味特色                                                becomes partially cooked and remains fluid.
            可咸可甜,柔韧弹牙。                                         3.  Pour the batter into small shallow bowls.  Place in a
                                                                  steamer and steam over high heat for 10 minutes,
                                                                  then reduce to medium heat and steam for another
                                                                  20 minutes until the edges puff up and the center
                                                                  forms a pit. Remove from the steamer and serve.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Can be savory or sweet, with a chewy and resilient tex-
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