Page 18 - Mobility Issues In Elderly
P. 18
Life Education
Aerobic/ Endurance exercises
A sedentary (inactive) lifestyle is one of the top risk
factors for heart disease. Fortunately, it's a risk factor
that you can do something about. Regular exercise,
especially aerobic exercise, has many benefits.
Exercise while sitting
While performing these exercises:
● Maintain good posture !
● Keep your back straight
● Do not curve or slump your back
● Make sure your movements are controlled and slow
● Avoid quick, jerking movements
● Do not bounce
● Do not hold your breath during these exercises.
Ankle pumping
Sit on the floor with your feet
straight out in front of you.
Keeping your heels on the floor,
lift your toes up as far as you
can. Hold for a count of five.
Picture taken from: