Page 26 - Dental Benefit Plan Summary
P. 26


                                                                   Percentage of Eligible Expenses

                        Benefit Description & Limitation                 Payable by the Plan:
                                                                     Network           Non-Network
                        *You must also pay the amount of the Dentist's fee, if any, which is greater than the
                                                       Eligible Expense.

                     Stainless Steel Crowns

                     Limited to one time per tooth per 60
                     consecutive months. Covered only when a    80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                     filling cannot restore the tooth.              the Annual           the Annual
                     Prefabricated esthetic coated stainless steel   Deductible          Deductible
                     crown - primary tooth, are limited to
                     primary anterior teeth.

                     Inlays/Onlays – Retainers/Abutments
                                                                50% after you meet   50% after you meet
                     Not Covered if done in conjunction with        the Annual           the Annual
                     any other inlay, onlay and crown codes         Deductible           Deductible
                     except post and core buildup codes.
                     Inlays/Onlays - Restorations

                     Covered only when a filling cannot restore   50% after you meet   50% after you meet
                     the tooth. Not Covered if done in              the Annual           the Annual
                     conjunction with any other inlay, onlay and    Deductible           Deductible
                     crown codes except post and core buildup
                     Pontics                                    50% after you meet   50% after you meet

                     Limited to one time per tooth per 60           the Annual           the Annual
                     consecutive months.                            Deductible           Deductible

                     Retainer-Cast Metal for Resin Bonded
                     Fixed Prosthesis                           50% after you meet   50% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                     Limited to one time per tooth per 60           Deductible           Deductible
                     consecutive months.

                     Post and Cores                             50% after you meet   50% after you meet
                     Covered only for teeth that have had root      the Annual           the Annual
                     canal therapy.                                 Deductible           Deductible

                     Re-cement Bridges
                     Re-Cement Inlays/Onlays, Crowns,           80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                     Bridges and Post and Core                      the Annual           the Annual

                     Limited to those performed more than 12        Deductible           Deductible
                     months after the initial insertion.

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