Page 14 - 2022 Benefits Resource Guide
P. 14

Section 125 plan & flexible spending accounts

                                                A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to pay for eligible
                                                expenses with pre-tax dollars under Section 125 of the Internal
                                                Revenue Code. When you pay for these expenses with pre-tax dollars,
                                                you do not pay Social Security, Medicare, or federal income tax on
                                                your contributions.

                                                Benefit premiums under section 125
                                                Premiums for medical, dental and the optional cancer insurance will be
                                                deducted from your pay on a pre-tax basis under Section 125 of the IRS
                                                Code. You cannot change these elections during the plan year without a
                                                qualifying change in status (refer to the Changing Your Elections section
                                                for more information).

                                                Health care flexible spending account
                                                A health care FSA allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis and
                                                use that money to pay for eligible medical, prescription, dental, vision,
                                                and certain over-the counter medical supplies for you and/or your
                                                dependents. Qualifying expenses are those permitted by Section 213 of
                                                the Internal Revenue Code. The maximum contribution to a health care
                                                FSA is $2,750 per plan year, and the minimum is $100 per plan year.

                                                Dependent care flexible spending account
                                                A dependent care FSA allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax
                                                basis and use that money to pay for work-related dependent day care
                                                costs. If you are married, you can only use the account if both you
                                                and your spouse work or, in some situations, if your spouse goes to
                                                school full-time.

                                                An eligible dependent is any member of your household for whom you
                                                can claim expenses on Federal Income Tax Form 2441 (Credit for Child
                                                and Dependent Care Assistance Expenses). Children must be under the
                                                age of 13, and you must be the custodial parent. Dependents over age
                                                13 must be physically or mentally unable to care for themselves and
                                                must live with you for at least eight hours a day.

                                                The following arrangements qualify as eligible expenses under the
                                                dependent care FSA:

                                                   ■    A dependent (day) care center. The facility must comply with
                                                      applicable state and local laws if the facility provides care for
                                                      more than six individuals.
                                                   ■    An educational institution for pre-school children. For
                                                      older children, only expenses for non-school care are eligible.

                                                   ■    An individual who provides care inside or outside your
                                                      home. The individual may not be a child of yours under age 19
                                                      or anyone you claim as a dependent for federal tax purposes.

                                                Note: Fees for registration, private schools, kindergarten, overnight
                                                camps, and extra activities are not eligible for reimbursement.

                                                The minimum contribution to a dependent care FSA is $100 per plan
                                                year. Federal law limits maximum contributions to dependent care
                                                spending accounts. You may only contribute the lesser of: (a) $5,000 if

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