Page 268 - fourth year book
P. 268
General Dietary Considerations
Meal planning 1. Assessment of dietary intake.
2. Meals and food intake should be planned in
relation to economic factors, availability, cultural
and social value.
3. Dietary counseling should be a continuing
process to be reinforced during each visit by all
members of the health team.
4. Meals should be evenly distributed throughout
the day.
5. Consistency of food timing and energy intake
from day to day should be emphasized especially
by those taken insulin.
Dietary care plan estimated by the following steps:
1) Calculate ideal body weight = height – 100.
2) Calculate the daily caloric requirements= ideal body weight* level
of activity.
3) Divide the calories of day among meals per day.
Meals & Calories Composition of Gram
Snacks distributed Diet-Calories
Breakfast 20% of total CHO = 50% of
calories = breakfast
20*total calories Proteins = 20%
/100 breakfast
CHO gram=
Fats =30% breakfast
CHO calories
Snack 10% of total / 4
calories =
10*total calories Proteins
/100 gram=