Page 80 - fourth year book
P. 80


                   5.  Travel:  avoid  airlines  after  32nd  week  as  there  is  possibility  of
                      premature labour.

                   6.  Rest  and  sleep:  during  second  halt  of  pregnancy,  the  mother  is
                      carrying constant load and increase to 11 kg . She advise to rest and
                      sleep at least 2 hrs/day.

                   7.  Clothes:  should  be  suitable,  comfort,  made  from  cotton.  Bras

                      should be broad shoulder straps and constricting bands on the legs
                      to avoid varicose veins and edema. Shoes should be short heal and
                      broad base to maintain good posture.

                   8.  Diet: increase fluids.

               Health teaching during the third trimester
                   1.  Exercise  and  recreation:  homework,  making  beds,  sweeping

                      polishing  brings  many  but  not  all  muscles  into  play  se  exercise
                      have been advised to keep the muscles to be used during labor in
                      good tone and the pelvic joints flexible.

                   2.  Travel: avoid airline.

                   3.  Breast  care:  should  be  massaged  to  milk  the  colostrums  and
                      prevent it from blocking the ducts.

                   4.  Pernieal care: due to frequency of urination and increase discharge.

                   5.  Marital relation: would be avoided in last 3 weeks of pregnancy to
                      avoid infection.

                   6.  Avoid: smoking, alcohol, drugs, x-ray, vaginal douching, catheter
                      and enemas.

                   7.  Preparation for herself and her home for delivery or other place for

                   8.  Family planning should be educated.

                   9.  Baby care: baby rearing and feeding.

                   10.  Diet: increase iron and calcium.

                   11.  True onset of labor.

                   12.  Warning signs: vaginal hemorrhage, stopped fetal movement any
                      abnormal  secretion,  abnormal  vomiting,  oedema,  headache,
                      abdominal pain.

                   13.  Minor discomfort.

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