Page 78 - fourth year book
P. 78
B. Return visit
In every visit the following should be done to pregnant women:
weight, measuring blood pressure, general observation, urine analysis
for sugar and albumin, at the 30 week hemoglobin estimation,
abdominal examination, size of the uterus. Should be asked about
general well-being signs and symptoms of oedema, bleeding,
constipation, headache, or any unusual symptoms.
After routine examination every pregnant women should be
educated according to her condition. Husband should be included
in the education sessions in order to understand his expected role
and changes occurring to his wife.
Immunization; tetanus vaccine is given to pregnant mother to
protect them from tetanus during pregnancy and to protect their
babies from tetanus neonatourm through transmission of maternal
antibodies transplacentaly to her fetus.
Health teaching during first trimester
1. Family acceptance for pregnancy.
2. Physiological changes due to pregnancy: rise level of estrogen and
progesterone, increase number of red and white cells and platelets,
increases heart rate BP falls 5 to 10 mm, increase secretion of
glucose, urea, amino acids, folic acid in urine dilatation of uterus
and enlarged, weight gain, changes in breast and abdomen,
constipation, dept breathing. The changes affected all system.
Carry out her duties and works but doesn’t cause any stress and
3. Fresh air and sunshine: the pregnant woman should be advised to
spend two hours a day in the fresh air, if possible away from busy
streets. Baby needs a daily airing before birth as well as after.
4. Travel: long rail or care journey should not be undertaken. The
jarring and excitement may induce abortion in susceptible women.
5. Rest and sleep at least 8 hrs. sleep should be obtained every night
relax for 2 hrs during day.
6. Cleanliness: regular and frequent washing especially in the gento-
anal region and under axilla and breast due to increase in
discharge and sweating.