Page 96 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 96

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

     by intruders, disgruntled employees and
     arsonites. This can be prevented by regular
     inspection ,posting guards, installing fences and
     other security measures.

(xi) Mechanical Sparks - Many fires originate due
     to sparks from foreign metal in machines,
     particularly in cotton meals, and in grinding and
     crushing operations. This hazard can be reduced
     by keeping the stock clean and by removing
     any foreign material by magnetic or other

(xii)Molten Substances - These are fires caused by
     metal escaping from ruptured furnaces or spilled
     during handling. These fires can be prevented by
     proper material handling.

(xiii)Chemical Action - These are fires originating from
     chemical processes getting out of control, chemicals
     reacting with other materials and decomposition of
     unstable chemicals. These fires can be prevented
     by proper operation, instrumentation and control,
     and by careful handling and storage.

(xiv) Static Sparks - Though static electricity is rarely

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