Page 109 - RPG's Italian Work Experience
P. 109


               It is the most famous Roman monument, considered the very
               symbol of Rome's eternity. It was started by Vespasian around 72
               AD and inaugurated by Titus in 80. It was intended for public

               performances and above all for gladiator and beast fights, which
               lasted until the sixth century. Severely damaged by earthquakes, it
               was transformed into a fortress in the Middle Ages and became a
               stone quarry during the Renaissance period. The stripping ceased

               in 1700 by Benedict XIV and after him various Popes provided for
               repair and support works. The grandiose monument has the shape

               of an ellipse, with the major axis of 188 m., The minor one of 156 m.
               and the circumference of 527 m.

               The exterior appears intact on the north-east side and has 3 orders

               of arches that measure a total of 57 m. The arena where the shows
               took place measures 76x46 m. and the auditorium was divided
               into 3 tiers of tiers, each reserved for knights, citizens and people
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