Page 20 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 20
1 - Building trust and recognizing inner drivers - the theoretical foundations of profiling³.
If we succeed in treating other people the way they would like
to be treated, this contributes to the satisfaction and
happiness of the people involved. There is at least the
possibility of making the world a little bit better.
Building trust as a basis
One of the foundations of profiling3 is building trust between
people. Building trust leads to more successful communication
between people. In 2018, there was intense discussion in the
media about whether HR managers could learn something
from profilers. The answer was mostly "No!". Just one example:
Uwe P. Kanning (Kanning 2018) explained in a column with the
irritating title
"From Sex Offender Search to Successful Personnel Selection."
"The principle is well known: In human resources, pretty much
any method can be marketed, as long as it has at least one leg
deep in kitchen psychology." And it went on to say:
"Any HR professional who seriously believes they can learn
about good personnel selection from secretive profilers obviously
hasn't done their homework."
Profiling, as we understand it, is about something completely
different. Profiling3 does not claim to be universally valid. Rather, the
approach opens up a way to approach the personality and the
essence of a person. It is about focusing and concentrating on
the other person and the interlocutor, in order to find out who you
are and who the other person is, sensitively and with a sure
instinct. The goals are: Create trust, build trust, justify trust.