Page 24 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 24

1 - Building trust and recognizing inner drivers - the theoretical foundations of profiling³.

               You  will  be  able  to  better  understand  the  person's  personality
               and wishes, and - in sales - you will be able to offer them exactly
               the product or service that will satisfy their needs and wishes.
               And as a manager, bonding (as relationship building) helps you
               in your "mis- sion" to motivate the employee to top performance.
               By giving them confidence in you and telling them what really
               moves them, you can tailor your leadership work specifically to
               their  inner  motivational  drivers  and  move  them  (influence)  to
               conduct even better customer conversations.

               The  aim  of  bonding  is  to  build  up  a  mutual  relationship.  In
               addition: The trust of the counterpart should exceed his mistrust.
               This  is  a  basic  prerequisite  for  an  FBI  interrogator  to  obtain
               information  from  the  interlocutor  that  will  help  him.  And  now,
               hand on heart: Aren't customers, especially new customers, and
               interested parties who are to be developed into customers in the
               acquisition  process,  fundamentally  rather  distrustful?  If  a
               salesperson has known the customer for a longer period of time,
               the  relationship  will  reverse  and  the  proportion  of  trust  will
               increase.  And  at  some  point,  the  distrust  component  may  be
               completely  displaced.  But  at  the  beginning  of  the  relationship
               with a prospect or new customer, this is not the case. Bonding
               helps to overcome mistrust.

                 A  salesperson  should  therefore  be  able  to  build  a  bond,
                 maintain  this  relationship  and  also  renew  it  again  and
                 again. This is because a customer's trust must be earned
                 and legitimized again and again. You must prove yourself
                 worthy of the trust. And this also applies to your work as
                 a manager in dealing with your employees.

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