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Eleanor Roosevelt High School

                               Counseling Department

          Mission Statement:                                  Vision Statement:
          School Counselors at ERHS...                        All students from Eleanor Roosevelt High School
                                                              have graduated, are college and/or career ready,
             •  Advocate for all students to meet aca-        and meet the expectations of the 21st century
                 demic and social, and emotional needs        while striving to be the BEST in a diverse global
                 in a safe and supportive environment.        community.

             •  Foster responsible decision making
                 and personal growth while guiding all
                 students towards career and life goals
                 in a diverse global community.

             •  Strive to provide an equitable learning
                 environment where everyone- regard-
                 less of ability, culture, gender, sexual
                 orientation, socioeconomic status, race,
                 or religious beliefs- can thrive and feel

             •  Accomplish this by providing innovative
                 classroom guided lessons, small group-
                 level interactive workshops, support
                 group counseling, and individual meet-
                 ings with students.                               The ERHS Counseling Department is
                                                                    guided by the ASCA National Model
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