Page 42 - Organic Gardening 3 Part Series
P. 42


               "Organic farming has been shown to provide major benefits for wildlife and the
               wider  environment.  The  best  that  can  be  said  about  genetically  engineered
               crops is that they will now be monitored to see how much damage they cause."
               Prince Charles

               Farming  and  gardening  organically  have  many  benefits,  not  just  for  us  as
               individuals,  but  for  us  collectively.  Whether  it's  helping  the  environment  or
               providing  healthier  food,  there  is  no  question  that  the  organic  movement  is  a
               positive force for change.

               We  are  living  longer  and  yet  our  golden  years  are  plagued  with  physical  and
               mental conditions which are detrimental to our quality of life. Our health is the

               most precious thing we have, without it we can't achieve anything, and we are
               anxious to find ways to not just treat disease but to prevent it.

               That's  why  an  organic  diet,  free  of
               additives  and  genetically  modified
               crops  (GMO's)  offers  us  the  best
               chance of living longer and healthier

               Food  as  medicine  is  not  a  new
               concept, but it has been forgotten by
               Western medicine in lieu of cutting-
               edge treatments and a cornucopia of

               But  all  these  advancements  don't  prevent  disease,  nor  can  they  cure  or  treat
               without great expense and dangerous side effects. By taking charge of our health,

               and ensure that we eat the healthiest foods, we can work towards a model of
               disease prevention.

               Unfortunately, organic foods are often out of the reach of many people. These
               foods are either not easily available or they are prohibitively expensive.
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