Page 43 - Organic Gardening 3 Part Series
P. 43

But by growing your own food, you are not only guaranteeing that the food you

               are  eating  is  truly  organic,  but  you  are  also  saving  money.  And  another  often
               overlooked benefit is the physical activity that gardening provides.

               The  Center  for  Disease  Control  (CDC)  considers  gardening  a  moderate-level
               intensity activity which uses most of the body. A study they conducted found that
               people who gardened, exercised on average, 40 to 50 minutes than people who
               chose biking, walking, or other activities.

               Gardening       is   a    scientifically   proven      stress
               reliever.  The Journal of Health Psychology published
               an article which compared gardening to reading as an
               activity for reducing stress.

               The  experiment  found  that  the  gardeners
               experienced  a  more  significant  decrease  in  stress
               when compared to the readers.

               And  the  benefits  extend  to  the  world  around  us.
               Organic  gardening  encourages  biodiversity,  lowers
               our  carbon  footprint  by  increasing  the  number  of

               oxygen  producing  plants,  provides  habitat  for  a  variety  of  animals,  and
               contributes to a cleaner environment by eliminating the use of toxic chemicals
               such as pesticides and non-organic fertilizers.

               Organic gardening is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your family,
               and our world.
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