Page 25 - Diabetic Clarity
P. 25

Diabetic Clarity

               Diabetic Complications: What Are They and Are They Are

               In short, these are chronic health conditions that affect a diabetic’s
               body. These conditions are the result of a condition doctors have
               dubbed “Advanced Glycation End products” where an excessive
               amount of sugar gets into the cells.

               AGE can cause problems such as:

                   •      Vascular disease
                   •      Coronary artery disease
                   •      Kidney disease
                   •      Blindness
                   •      Peripheral neuropathy (loss of feeling in extremities)
                   •      Retinopathy (blindness)

               Poor Oral Health

               Another, not-so-widely known complication of diabetes is poor oral
               health. When you have diabetes, you are more susceptible to mouth
               problems such as cavities and dry mouth. This can cause ulcers to
               develop too.

               Gingivitis is another oral health issue, which can be identified by red,
               swollen and bleeding gums. It develops because the mouth is unable
               to get rid of the foods and bacteria (dry mouth).

               Diabetes can also cause mouth infections. While most people view
               infections as being bacterial, they can also be fungal such as thrush or
               a yeast infection. Sugar thrives on people who have uncontrolled or
               undiagnosed diabetes.

               Another serious oral health problem diabetics have is periodontitis,
               which an infection that affects the mouth’s supporting structures like
               bone ligaments. With this gum infection, you could lose your teeth
               early in life or suffer from gum abscess due to the lack of collagen in
               the mouth.

               The real problem about diabetes is that, in most cases, it’s not
               diagnosed until it’s too late. That’s because there are no noticeable

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