Page 22 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 22

4. Complaint/Investigative Procedure
               All Students shall be informed of their right to protection against
               bullying behaviors and the right to file complaint if they believe they
               have been the victim of bullying behavior. School administrators are
               responsible for investigating each complaint, determining if the
               complaint is legitimate in accordance with the above definition, and
               taking appropriate corrective action. Any student, be they the victim
               or bystander, may initiate a complaint by completing a confidential
               reporting form and returning it to a building administrator.

           5. Intervention/Consequences
               Reports of bullying are taken seriously and shall be dealt with quickly
               and effectively. If a student is found guilty of bullying behavior, the
               consequences shall depend on both the results of the investigation
               and the severity of the incident. Consequences may include but are
               not limited to mediation, a parent conference, counseling,
               suspension, expulsion, and/or referral to local law enforcement

Code Of Honor

To provide an environment of moral excellence, Brooke Point High School has

established a Code of Honor. Every student enrolled shall be subject to the

Code of Honor. Students shall not participate in or condone misconduct in any

form. Students must understand that the Code of Honor imposes a responsibility

upon themselves for the good of the Brooke Point student body.

    I will neither give nor receive any answers on any assignment, quiz, test,
       project, or examination.

    I will not reproduce another’s homework.
    I will not steal; this includes acquiring another’s possessions without right or

    I will not plagiarize the language, structure, or thought of another author or

    I will not lie to any figures of authority.
    As a student of Brooke Point High School, I accept the principles of

       honesty, truthfulness, and fairness in working with the faculty, staff,
       administration, students, and others.

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