Page 27 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 27
In order for your child to achieve academically, regular daily attendance is
Beginning with the 2018-2017 school year, SCPS will implement new attendance
reporting practices to meet compliance with Virginia Compulsory Attendance Law
At 5 unexcused absences, the school is required to initiate an attendance
improvement plan
At 6 unexcused absences, the school is required to have an attendance
At 7 unexcused absences, SCPS is required to report whether legal charges
were initiated against the student, against the parent, or if legal charges were
not initiated because an improvement plane is in place AND working.
In an effort to reduce unexcused absences, SCPS request when your student is
absent from school, an official notification shall be sent to your student's school
explaining the reason why your student was absent from school.
Please review the SCPS Code of Conduct for information about excused absences.
Our experiences have shown that the majority of absences are not unexcused, but
rather just not reported to the school as excused by a parent or guardian. To that
end, we have provided multiple ways for you to report your student's absences for
the upcoming school year.
1. Traditional written note - You may write/type a note and send it to school with
your student
2. Email - You may email the note to our attendance office
3. Phone Call - Parents and guardians may call in an excused absence by
dialing 540 658-6080 x4291
4. Webpage Link - We have provided a link titled Student Absence Reporting
Form on our website, in the Parent section, where parents can go on-line and
fill-in information for an excused absence.
When reporting an absence, we do ask that you include the student's name, parent
or guardian's name, date of absence, reason for the absence, and a number and/or
email at which you may be reached.