Page 23 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 23

Commons Area (Hawks’ Nest) During Lunch

During student arrival and particularly at lunch, students are to consume all food
and drink in this area. Students must remain in the Commons Area during lunch,
unless permitted into another area with a pass. Lunches must be brought from
home or purchased from the cafeteria. Food deliveries impede the daily work of
our office staff. Please refrain from food deliveries during the school day.

Digital Citizenship And Communication Device Policy

Technology use is everywhere in our world today. In Stafford County and at
Brooke Point, we believe our schools should play a role in teaching our students
to use technology appropriately. Rather than banning the devices our students
use in their daily lives, the very same devices they will soon come to rely upon in
their future professional lives, we believe that it is important that we guide them in
the development of the skills needed to be a productive digital citizen. We also
recognize the value in educational strategies without the use of technology and
have set guidelines to protect the instructional integrity of our classrooms. Those
guidelines are:

1. Cell phones/communication devices are permitted in the hallways/common
areas between classes (door to door); however, students must turn off cell
phones/communication devices and stow them properly out of sight prior to
entering the classroom. Cell phones/communication devices are to remain off
the entire class period unless teacher permission is given otherwise

2. During class, students shall only use cell phones/communication devices to
participate in assignments that are related to the instructional lesson, WITH
teacher permission.

3. Students shall not record still or moving images or voices of students or staff
without permission.

4. Students shall turn off and properly stowed cell phones/communication
devices during all assessments. Cell phones/communication devices must
remain stowed away until ALL assessments have been collected and with
teacher permission.

5. Students are not permitted to have cell phones/communication devices in the
PE and/or CTE locker rooms at any time. Students shall not record still or
otherwise share moving images or voices of any person in a restroom.
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