Page 40 - 2023 SCCTM Conference Program Book_Neat
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Thursday Session F1 10:10- 11:00 101A
MPS2 What Do You Mean Reason Both Contextually and
Participants will learn how to incorporate Mathematical Process Standard 2 into chosen
standards from Algebra I and Geometry. They will learn how to make sense of quantities and
their relationships in mathematical and real-world situations. Participants will also learn to
demonstrate how to describe a given situation using multiple mathematical representations,
translate among multiple mathematical representations, comparing the meaning each
representation conveys about the situation.
Interest Level: Grades 8 - 12
Janelle Wilson Mills
South Caroliina Department of Education
Thursday Session F2 10:10- 11:00 102B
Student-Centered Goal Setting in Math
Are you trying to navigate an effective way to set goals with students that doesn’t add a ton of
additional work to your already full plate? Join us to learn how to leverage learning
progressions to create a simple process for goal setting with your students.
As a result of this session, you will have access to a set learning progressions and a process
for using them to set meaningful goals with students. Attendees will have the opportunity to
practice this process with their own context in mind.
Interest Level: Prek - 12, Higher Education, Coaches, Leaders, Teacher Educators, Preservice Teachers
Kristen Logan & Nadine Groh
South Caroliina Department of Education, Office of Personalized Learning