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c15riskandinformation.qxd  8/16/10  11:10 AM  Page 616

                  616                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION

                                                                                            Utility function


                    FIGURE 15.7   Utility Function for a
                    Risk-Loving Decision Maker
                    The utility function exhibits increasing mar-
                    ginal utility. The change in utility from any  R
                    given increment to income goes up as the  Q
                    decision maker’s income goes up (e.g., the  0 4                                104
                    distance from point Q to point R is less than      Income (thousands of dollars per year)
                    the distance from point S to point T).

                             LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE 15.2
                             Computing the Expected Utility for Two Lotteries:
                             Risk-Neutral and Risk-Loving Decision Makers
                  Suppose two decision makers are each considering the  Since the two investments have the same expected utility,
                  investments in the two lotteries depicted in Figure 15.3.  the risk-neutral decision maker is indifferent between
                  One decision maker is risk neutral, with the utility func-  them. Notice that the expected utility of each lottery is
                  tion U(I )   100I, while the other is risk loving, with the  equal to a hundred times the expected value of each lottery.
                  utility function U(I )   100I , where I denotes the payoff  This illustrates a general point: For a risk-neutral decision
                  of the lottery.                                  maker, the ranking of the expected utilities of lotteries will exactly
                                                                   correspond to the ranking of the expected payoffs of the lotteries.
                                                                   (b) For the risk-loving decision maker
                  (a) Which lottery does the risk-neutral decision maker
                                                                   Expected utility of investing in Internet stock
                                                                        0.30(100)(80 )   0.40(100)(100 )
                  (b) Which lottery does the risk-loving decision maker
                  prefer?                                                 0.30(100)(120 )   1,024,000
                                                                   Expected utility of investing in public utility stock
                                                                        0.10(100)(80 )   0.80(100)(100 )
                  (a) For the risk-neutral decision maker
                                                                          0.10(100)(120 )   1,008,000
                  Expected utility of investing in Internet stock
                                                                   The risk-loving decision maker will prefer investing in
                         0.30(8,000)   0.40(10,000)   0.30(12,000)  the Internet stock, since the expected utility is higher
                                                                   than it is for investing in the public utility stock. This
                                                                   illustrates a general point. If lotteries L and M have the
                  Expected utility of investing in public utility stock  same expected value, but lottery L has a higher variance than
                                                                   lottery M, a risk-loving decision maker will prefer L to M.
                         0.10(8,000)   0.80(10,000)   0.10(12,000)
                         10,000                                    Similar Problems:   15.7, 15.8
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