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c15riskandinformation.qxd  8/16/10  11:10 AM  Page 614

                  614                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION
                                        The analysis in Figure 15.5 shows that although the expected values of the two offers
                                        are equal, your expected utility at the new company is lower than the utility you will get
                                        if you work for the established company. If you evaluate the offers according to the util-
                                        ity function in Figure 15.5, you will prefer the offer from the established company.
                                           The utility function in Figures 15.4 and 15.5 depicts the preferences of a decision
                  risk averse  A charac-  maker who is risk averse, one who prefers a sure thing to a lottery of equal expected
                  teristic of a decision maker  value. In the example above, a risk-averse decision maker would prefer the certain
                  who prefers a sure thing to  salary of the established company to the risky salary of the start-up company. In gen-
                  a lottery of equal expected  eral, a utility function that exhibits diminishing marginal utility (like the one in
                                        Figure 15.5) implies that the utility of a sure thing will exceed the expected utility of
                                        a lottery with the same expected value. To see why this is the case, note that if you
                                        go to work for the start-up company, the upside of the lottery is that you might have
                                        $50,000 more income ($104,000   $54,000) than if you worked at the established
                                        company, while the downside is that you might have $50,000 less income ($54,000
                                        $4,000). Because of diminishing marginal utility, the reduction in utility from the
                                        downside (230   60   170) is bigger than the gain in utility from the upside (320
                                        230    90), as Figure 15.5 shows. With diminishing marginal utility, the decision
                                        maker is thus hurt more by the downside of a lottery than he or she is helped by the
                                        upside. This tends to make the risk-averse decision maker prefer the sure thing.

                             LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE 15.1
                             Computing the Expected Utility for Two Lotteries
                             for a Risk-Averse Decision Maker
                  Consider the two lotteries depicted in Figure 15.3. They  Expected utility of investing in public utility stock
                  have the same expected value, but the first (investing in      0.1018,000   0.80110,000   0.10112,000
                  the Internet company’s stock) has a larger variance than
                  the second (investing in the public utility company’s      0.10(89.4)   0.80(100)   0.10(109.5)   99.9
                  stock). This tells us that the first lottery is riskier than
                  the second lottery. Suppose that a risk-averse decision  Since investing in the public utility company’s stock
                  maker has the utility function U(I )   1100I,  where I  has the higher expected utility, a risk-averse decision
                  denotes the payoff of the lottery.               maker prefers it to the Internet company’s stock. This
                                                                   illustrates a general point: If lotteries L and M have the
                  Problem    Which lottery does the decision maker   same expected value, but lottery  L has a lower variance
                  prefer—that is, which one has the bigger expected utility?  than lottery  M, a risk-averse decision maker will prefer
                                                                   L to M.
                  Solution   Compute the expected utility of each lot-
                  tery using equation (15.1):                      Similar Problems:   15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8
                      Expected utility of investing in Internet stock
                          0.3018,000   0.40110,000   0.30112,000

                          0.30(89.4)   0.40(100)   0.30(109.5)   99.7

                  risk neutral  A charac-
                  teristic of a decision maker
                  who compares lotteries
                  according to their expected  RISK-NEUTRAL AND RISK-LOVING PREFERENCES
                  value and is therefore indif-
                  ferent between a sure thing  Risk aversion is only one of the possible attitudes that decision makers might have
                  and a lottery with the same  toward risk. A decision maker might also be risk neutral or risk loving. When a de-
                  expected value.       cision maker is risk neutral, he or she compares lotteries only according to their
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