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                  618                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION
                                        The figure shows that when the expected salary of the start-up company is $54,000
                                        and the established firm offers a certain salary of just $29,000, your expected utility at
                                        the start-up company (point D) exceeds your utility at the established firm (point F).
                                        This illustrates an important point: A risk-averse decision maker might prefer a gam-
                                        ble to a sure thing if the expected payoff from the gamble is sufficiently larger than
                                        the payoff from the sure thing. Put another way, a risk-averse decision maker will bear
                                        risk if there is additional reward to compensate for the risk.
                  risk premium  The        How big this reward must be is indicated by the risk premium of the lottery. The
                  necessary difference   risk premium is the minimum difference between the expected value of a lottery and
                  between the expected  the payoff of a sure thing that would make the decision maker indifferent between
                  value of a lottery and the  the lottery and the sure thing. To see what this means, consider again the situation
                  payoff of a sure thing to  where a risk-averse decision maker chooses a sure thing over a lottery when the payoff
                  make the decision maker
                  indifferent between the   of the sure thing and the expected payoff of the lottery are equal. Suppose the payoff
                  lottery and the sure thing.  of the sure thing were just a little less—the decision maker might still prefer it to the
                                        risky lottery. But now suppose the payoff of the sure thing keeps decreasing in small
                                        increments—at some point, the decision maker will equally prefer the sure thing and
                                        the lottery (i.e., will become indifferent between the two). The risk premium tells us
                                        the point at which this happens. It is the amount by which the payoff of the sure thing
                                        must decrease to make the decision maker indifferent between it and the lottery. In a
                                        lottery with two payoffs, I and I , with probabilities p and 1  p, respectively, we can
                                        find the risk premium (RP) using the following formula :
                                                      pU(I )   (1   p)U(I )   U(pI   (1   p)I   RP)
                                        The expression pI   (1   p)I is the expected value (EV ) of the lottery (as described
                                        earlier in Section 15.2), so this formula becomes
                                                           pU(I )   (1   p)U(I )   U(EV   RP)              (15.2)
                                           Returning to the job offer example, Figure 15.9 shows how to find the risk pre-
                                        mium graphically. The expected value of the lottery (the job at the start-up company)

                                                                                    Utility function  C

                                                                           E     D
                                                         Utility  190

                    FIGURE 15.9   The Risk Premium for a
                    Risk-Averse Decision Maker
                    If the salary offer from the established com-  A
                    pany were $37,000 per year, you would be  60            premium
                    indifferent between the start-up company’s
                    offer and the established company’s offer
                    because the two offers would have the
                    same utility (190). The risk premium is given  04     37     54                104
                    by the length of line segment ED, which             Income (thousands of dollars per year)
                    equals $17,000.

                                        3 The derivation of this formula is too complex to present here.
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