Page 130 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 130
Lasers 111
transition, while it increases due to absorption and external pumping. The net growth rate of the population
density of state 2 is
dN 2
= R pump + R abs + R stim + R spont + R . (3.70)
Here, R abs , R stim , and R spont are given by Eqs. (3.2), (3.3), and (3.4), respectively. R pump refers to the pumping
rate, which is the rate at which the population density of state 2 grows due to an external pump. A specific
pumping scheme is discussed in Section 3.8.
An atom in state 2 could drop down to state 1 by releasing the energy difference as translational, vibra-
tional, or rotational energies of the atom or nearby atoms/molecules. This is known as non-radiative transition,
since no photon is emitted as the atom makes transition from state 2 to state 1 and R represents the rate of
non-radiative transition from state 2 to state 1. It is given by
R = CN , (3.71)
nr 2
where C is a constant similar to the Einstein coefficient A.
Using Eqs. (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), and (3.71) in Eq. (3.70), we find
dN 2
= R pump + BuN − BuN −(A + C)N . (3.72)
The population density of the ground state increases due to stimulated emission, spontaneous emission, and
non-radiative transition, while it decreases due to absorption. The rate of change of the population density of
the ground state is
dN 1
= R stim + R spont + R + R abs
= BuN +(A + C)N − BuN . (3.73)
Next, let us consider the growth rate of photons. Let N ph be the photon density. When an atom makes a
transition from the excited state to the ground state due to stimulated emission, it emits a photon. If there are
R stim transitions per unit time per unit volume, the growth rate of photon density is also R stim . The photon
density in a laser cavity increases due to stimulated emission and spontaneous emission, while it decreases
due to absorption and loss in the cavity. The growth rate of photon density is given by
= R stim + R spont + R abs + R loss . (3.74)
Here, R loss refers to the loss rate of photons due to internal loss and mirror loss in the cavity. Since the energy
of a photon is ℏ, the mean number of photons present in the electromagnetic radiation of energy E is
n ph = . (3.75)
The photon density N is the mean number of photons per unit volume and the energy density u is the energy
per unit volume. Therefore, they are related by
n ph E u
N ph = = = . (3.76)
V ℏV ℏ
In Section 3.3, we developed an expression for the time rate of change of the energy density u in the presence
of stimulated emission and loss as
=(G − cav )u. (3.77)