Page 184 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 184
Optical Modulators and Modulation Schemes 165
0 1 0 1 1 1
+1 V
u in (t) 0 t
–1 V
+2 V
u out (t) 0 t
–2 V
Figure 4.27 Duobinary encoding. The data in the interval −T < t < 0of u (t) is assumed to be ‘0’ (−1 V).
Differential coding Add-and-delay filter
Polar NRZ data
Duobinary data
b'(t) +
b(t) m(t)
Delay T b
Figure 4.28 Duobinary encoder.
leads to a sample value of ±2 V at kT . This significantly simplifies the decision rule: if the absolute sample
value is ≤ 1 V, ‘1’ is transmitted. Otherwise, ‘0’ is transmitted. Fig. 4.28 shows the realization of a duobinary
encoder and Fig. 4.29 an example of duobinary encoding.
We can introduce a known amount of ISI such that a pulse in the 0th bit slot interferes only with a pulse in
the first bit slot and does not interfere with pulses in other bit slots at sampling instants t = nT , where n is
an integer. Such a pulse can be described by
1 n = 0, 1
p(nT )= . (4.90)
0 otherwise
An example of a pulse satisfying the requirement of Eq. (4.90) is a Nyquist pulse [1], [7],
sin (Bt)
p(t)= , (4.91)
Bt(1 − Bt)