Page 234 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 234

Optical Receivers                                                                  215

                                                                    Trapped light until absorbed

                                                               R S
                                                                        R 1     R 2
                                                        light (loss)

                                                                    Front    L     Back
                                                                   mirror  Cavity  mirror
                           L (Cavity length)
                               (a)                                           (b)

                     Figure 5.19  Fabry–Perot resonator: (a) concept and (b) arrangement in a photodetector.

           is the transmissivity of incident light into the cavity, R and R are the magnitudes of the reflections of the
                                                       1     2
           front and back mirrors on both sides of the cavity, Ψ and Ψ are the phase shifts in the reflections introduced
                                                    1     2
           by the mirrors (since the reflection in real mirrors is at a certain depth in the mirror, but not exactly from the
           surface, especially for a DBR), L is the cavity length, and  = 2n∕ is the propagation constant of the light
           in the cavity with refraction index n. The terms in the curly bracket in equation Eq. (5.51) are the responsivity
           of the photodetector without a RCE, and the second line describes the resonant cavity enhancement. The RCE
           is a periodic function of L and  or, more precisely, their ratio. Constructive resonance in the cavity occurs at
           the condition
                         (2L +Ψ +Ψ )=(4nL∕ +Ψ +Ψ )
                                       = 2 × integer in steps of halves of the wavelength, L
                                                   (  )
                                                 1   o
                                       = integer ×      .                                   (5.52)
                                                 2   n
            With this condition for resonance at a wavelength  , the RCE is maximum and is given by
                                      1 + R exp (−W)
                          RCE max  =   √
                                   [1 −  R R exp (−W)] 2
                                          1 2
                                      1 + R 2
                                 ≈     √      ,  when W << 1, since exp (−W)≈ 1
                                   (1 −  R R ) 2
                                          1 2
                                 ≈     √    , when also R ≈ 1.                              (5.53)
                                   (1 −  R ) 2
           Thus, the RC enhancement increases with the reflectivities of the mirrors. However, the enhancement is in a
           narrow optical “bandwidth” given by
                          1   FWHM     1 −  R R exp (−W)
                                             1 2
                            =        =
                          F    FSR      √ √
                                          R R exp (−W)
                                             1 2
                                 √         √
                              1 −  R 1  1 −  R 1
                                      ∼        ,   when W << 1, R ≈ 1, and R → 1.         (5.54)
                            ≈ √                                   2          1
                                 R 1
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