Page 236 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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Optical Receivers                                                                  217

                                                 I ∕P opt
                        (4nL∕ = 1 + 2 × integer)=
                       min     0
                                                  hf ∕q
                                                 [1 − exp (−W)][1 + R exp (−W)]
                                               =         √                     (1 − R ),    (5.58)
                                                     [1 +  R R exp (−W)] 2
                                                            1 2
           with R ≈ R . As follows from Eqs. (5.56) and (5.58), the undulation of RC enhancement between peak and
           valley values, at resonance and antiresonance, is
                           [    √              ] 2
                           1 +  R R exp (−W)
                      max          1 2
                         =      √
                      min  1 −  R R exp (−W)
                                   1 2
                           (    √     ) 2
                             1 +  R R
                                   1 2
                         ≈      √        , when W << 1, since exp (−W)≈ 1;
                             1 −  R R
                                   1 2
                           (    √   ) 2
                             1 +  R 1
                         ≈      √      ,   when W << 1, and also R ≈ 1;
                             1 −  R 1
                                4          1      F
                         ≤           ∼          ≈  , when W << 1,  R ≈ 1, and R → 1,      (5.59)
                               √           √                          2          1
                           (1 −  R ) 2  1 −  R 1  
           where the last line shows that the cavity finesse F and RCE undulation  max ∕ min  between peak and valley
           values are related, recalling the approximate relations in Eq. (5.54).
            The behavior of RCE is illustrated in Fig. 5.20 and compared with a non-resonant photodetector. The hori-
           zontal axis is reversed, considering that a particular photodetector has fixed width W of the absorption layer,
           and the absorption coefficient decreases for longer wavelengths, thus, the left-hand sides of the plots corre-
           spond to shorter wavelengths, while the right-hand sides correspond to longer wavelengths. The behavior of
           RCE is discussed further below. At shorter wavelengths in photodetectors with thick absorption layers, the
           product  × W is larger than 1. In this case, the light is absorbed before reaching the back mirror, and the
           RCE structure behaves identically with the non-resonant photodetector–all lines overlap for  × W > 3in
           Fig. 5.20 and the back mirror, if any, is irrelevant. Of course, a portion of the incident light is reflected by the
           front mirror (or the surface of the photodetector), and we desire R = R to be as low as possible.
            At longer wavelengths in photodetectors with thin absorption layers, the product  × W is smaller than 1,
           and RCE becomes relevant. If the back mirror is ideal (R = 1, left-hand plot in Fig. 5.20), the resonance
           in the Fabry–Perot resonator would help to increase the quantum efficiency (non-monotonic thin lines) and
           even restore the ideal value  max  = 1 at condition exp (−W)=  R . However, real mirrors have reflection
           R < 1, and the decrease in back mirror reflection R to 0.9 and 0.8 (still high) degrades the ability of RCE to
           restore the quantum efficiency, as seen in the middle and right-hand plots of Fig. 5.20, especially for high front
           mirror reflection R (which is also the reflection from the photodetector surface, R ≈ R ). The condition for
           maximum quantum efficiency becomes a complicated expression:
                                       √       1 + R [2exp (−W)− 1]
                                         R R =                      ,                       (5.60)
                                          1 2
                                                2 −(1 − R ) exp (−W)
           but tends to (R × R )≈(1 − 2W) when (W) ≤ 0.1 and R ≥ 0.8. In addition, if the resonator is not tuned
                      1   2                               2
           at the wavelength, then RCE will suppress the quantum efficiency, as shown with symbols on dashed lines in
           Fig. 5.20. The suppression is less than 3 dB, which is not a dramatic decrease in responsivity, but we realize
           that the RCE is not favorable if the cavity is not precisely tuned at the wavelength of interest, e.g., in cases of
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