Page 7 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 7

加中金融                                        市场展望 Market Outlook

    Outlook 2023: A Cyclical Recovery

    展望 2023:或跃在渊

                                     【作者】 洪灏,思睿集团首席经济学家 ,交银国际控股有限公司原董事总经

                                     About the author. Hong Hao, Chief Economist of Grow Investment Group, Former
                                     Managing Director and Head of Research Department of Bank of Communications
                                     International Holdings Co., Former executive general manager and chief global
                                     strategist of China International Capital Corporation (Beijing, Hong Kong)
                                     本文由志愿者 翻译

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                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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